Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Passionate Sex or Rape?

As college students, we are all at risk of experiencing sexual assault in one form or another. The setting is perfect for miscommunication on what an individual is comfortable with and what they are willing to consent to. According to Shaw and Lee, “Consensual sex is negotiated through communication where individuals express their feelings and desires and are able to listen to and respect others’ feelings and desires”. Rachel Kramer Bussell takes it a step further and says that consenting adults should have a “yes, no, maybe” chart in which they clearly lay out the things that they are comfortable and uncomfortable with.

Although people generally think of rapists as a stranger, waiting in the bushes to attack, seven out of ten female rape victims state that they know their attacker. This “acquaintance rape”, more commonly called “date rape”, is what most of us have been impacted by as college students.

We all see images of forceful sex in the media. This is not limited to porn. A “strong man” picking up a woman and having his way with her is seen as passion, not rape. I do think that media portrayal of sex contributes to mistaken ideas about sexuality but I also think that there are other ways that the understanding of the lines between passionate sex and rape are being blurred.

I recently downloaded the application “whisper” where people can anonymously post their secrets to a public domain. The things that people choose to post have surprised me. I am also concerned about the implications of these posts because although the sentiments may be true for one woman, they may be generalized to all women, furthering the issue with the idea that women mean yes when they say no.

(I apologize for the language)

An individual’s sexual preferences are there own and in my opinion, they are free to do whatever they please. If an individual is interested in rough sex, gang bangs, or S&M, that is fine as long as every person involved is actively consenting to the situation. The issue of individual preference is not the real issue here. The problem comes in when the preferences of individuals are looked at as universal  preferences of an entire group.

Women are commonly the victims of sexual assault and although a quick fix might seem be telling women not to present themselves in a sexual way, this is insulting to both men and women. It seems unfair to tell one group that they are not allowed to share their sexual preferences because another party may be confused and unable to comprehend that one person does not represent the preferences of an entire population.  Women's actions are generally scrutinized if something does go wrong in a sexual experience. If I were a male, I think that I would be insulted by society's portrayal of me as a purely sexual being that cannot control my urges or restrain myself from acting on impulse. It seems as though there needs to be a societal change but I dont think that this change should be in women. I think that men need to actively seek consent from sexual partners and not make assumptions about another individual's preferences.

I think that in an ideal world, consenting adults WOULD discuss each thing that they are comfortable with, every step of the way. Unfortunately, it seems as though the way sex is presented and the way females are portrayed get in the way of this. Young people are getting messages that are clearly anti-rape but at the same time they are being presented images of women enjoying the struggle and not meaning stop when they say it. 

How do you all think that this problem can be minimized? Where do you think the responsibility lies in terms of gaining consent? How does the idea of consent fit into the college scene we are all actively a part of?


  1. I think this is a very large issue that has several considerations to take into account. Sex is a personal choice that varies in many diverse manners among different people. I believe consent is such a large issue, especially in locations such as a college campus because of the use of alcohol and other drugs, including date rape drugs. However, for some individuals sex is a casual act and "hooking up" with several different guys is perfectly acceptable to the individual. However, on the other hand, other girls are taken advantage of because they do not have this same mindset.

    I think consent will forever remain a grave issue in our society, with the use of drugs only worsening the issue. Hopefully, with the help and more of the self-confidence of future generations, issues such as this will not have to occur. Especially on college campuses, where the majority of these cases do occur.

    1. I completely agree with you that consent will continue to be a grey area. I also think that the whole idea of "hooking up" has clouded the issue even further. Even if someone is in the mindset that they are alright with having casual sex one night, it is often assumed that they will be alright with it in any situation which is not always the case. It seems that a lot of girls who are more sexually active are perceived as sluts and this is seen as enough consent for some. It reminds me of the Kobe Bryant case where the woman who he allegedly raped was called into question as a reporting witness because of her sexual past. I really do hope that this attitude can be corrected but I dont know what changes can really make college campuses a safer place for young people.

  2. I think that this issue is very prominent in a person's everyday life. Women are constantly being faced with these pressures when they step outside the door into the outside world. It is sad to say but women are in danger more than men when they leave the house for a night out on the town. I wish women did not have to face these challenges but they have to face the reality. This reality is that women often get pressured into having sexual intercourse with someone without giving the other person consent to do so. I think women should take responsible of these matters by watching what they wear when they go out, and watching the ways in which they portray themselves to the others around them. I know men should be able to control themselves, but we have seen that they cannot do such a thing. It makes me very sad and angry but this has always been the case. The idea of consent will forever remain an issue in our society because our society is constantly changing and growing. Individuals should take initiative and take care of themselves in order to live the best life possible.

    1. I do agree with you that it is sad that women are facing this issue much more than men and that leaving for a night on the town can be a dangerous issue. However, I do not think that women should be the ones correcting their behavior. In my opinion, A woman should not have to monitor the way that she dresses and the way she carries herself in order to avoid male attention. I think that kind of thinking lets men off the hook too easily and if I were a male I think I would be insulted by the idea I had no control over my choices. I think that men should take responsibility for themselves and their peers on this issue so that women do not have to take responsibility for their male peers' actions.

  3. I think it is a huge responsibility of all people to ensure that rape rates decrease. First of all, it is irresponsible of the media to display sexuality the way it does in terms of making what seems like forcing seem romantic and desirable. I think that this would only happen if there was a shift in societal mindsets. The idea that men can't control their sexual urges is contradictory to the idea that men are powerful and rational. Why does society have this mindset that men can do no harm? Although it does conform to the idea that powerful men are desirable. Why can't respect and passiveness be considered attractive in men. I think that once we change this mindset that men taking charge is what is desired, we will at least see some positive effects, although I believe that this is a more complex problem that will need more than this to be solved.

    1. I completely agree. I think that it is a societal problem that needs to be altered. I am also frustrated with the idea that men can do no wrong. It is completely contradictory to say that they are both rational and unable to control themselves. I think that when men are respectful of women, they are often seen as "pussies" or "whipped". I have friends whose boyfriends choose to respect when the female does and does not want to have sex. They often receive judgement from their peers for being passive and "not getting any". I do think that in order to change actions of individuals, we will have to change the way society views and portrays sex.

  4. How do you all think that this problem can be minimized? Where do you think the responsibility lies in terms of gaining consent? How does the idea of consent fit into the college scene we are all actively a part of?
    Hi Coleen. I really enjoyed your blog. It made me think of consent in a broader sense than I have thought about it.

    There are many solutions to this problem. Men need to take more responsibility for their actions. Men need to get rid of their abusive actions and language towards women. I have often heard men joke about women's bodies and rape and that needs to change. However, I have also heard women talk about rape in a negative light. They say things like "Oh you weren't raped. You are just overt hinking it" or "Boys will be boys". But rape is something that must be taken seriously. Women need to support other women that have been abused. Thus, one solution to rape is to get men and women to work together to stop giving into bad habits.

    However, you are right. The media needs to stop painting an image of the violent or protector man. As we have learned, men are socialized into thinking that they are the breadwinners and protectors of women. They also learn that men are aggressive. Sadly media representation teaches people how to act in everyday life and thus, men behave wrongly.

    Consent should be both parties responsibilities. A man can be raped just as much as a woman can. We should not tell women that they must be extra careful and prepare for sex. Furthermore, media needs to stop telling men that they can do whatever they want to a woman. Thus, consent should be between both patterns.

    In college, I do not think a lot of people give consent. Girls feel socialized to being timid and men feel socialized to being overly aggressive. In order to decrease rates of rape, our ideas of men and women must change.

    1. I think it is really interesting that you bring up the way girls discuss rape. I think that we are all socialized to blame the victim to the point that women often times don't want to accept that they have been raped because they feel they could have done something differently in the situation. I have friends who have been forced, physically or psychologically, into doing things that they do not feel comfortable with and when reflecting on it, their first instinct is to look at why they were at fault in the situation. I think this is heartbreaking because after a traumatic experience like rape, no one should feel as though it is their fault.

      I also agree that both parties should take responsibility for consent. I think that women should be educated on the things that they can do to protect themselves and that they should also feel comfortable and confident in their right to say no. I think that this issue relates back to the idea women do not want to seem like a slut or a prude and finding the confidence to say what one is comfortable with can sometimes be difficult.

  5. While reading your post, I couldn't help but think about the stupid idea that if women dress a certain way, they're asking for it. I think that if we keep believing this, then we're seriously in trouble. Just because a woman wears certain clothing does not that they are giving men consent to have sex with them. This idea is completely idiotic and unfortunately, I think many colleges and universities still have a large number of men who think like this. But then again, there are many men out there that don't think like this and actually know the meaning of the words "yes" and "no." I think that we need to break out from this bubble and stop assuming that every man is just a sexual deviant who is constantly thinking about sex. But with this being said, I think we also have to be aware that rape happens on a daily basis and there are people (not only men) who are indeed sexual deviants. I think we also need to provide more resources to rape victims because I know that many victims do not come forward.

    1. I COMPLETELY agree. I think that the idea certain clothes signify consent is ridiculous. Just because someone is dressed provocatively does not mean that they are willing to have sex with anyone who is interested. I do think that this idea is present on a lot of college campuses, including ours. I know that when I have gone out in a more revealing outfit than i usually wear, I have been approached more frequently and some men feel that it is appropriate to grab my butt or my chest as i walk by.

      I also agree that there are a good number of men who respect women's wishes and that they do deserve more credit. I think that celebrating these men on TV and in movies rather than portraying them as weak could do a lot of good for society generally.

      The idea of providing more resources for victims is also key. Making sure that women know where they can gain access to these resources is crucial. I also think that providing education on how women can protect themselves and what constitutes consent would also be helpful for both sexes so that it is not just considered women's responsibility to end rape.

  6. In college especially, consent is problematic when it comes to alcohol consumption. Many groups of students partake in drinking, particularly underage drinking, and many students are hurt as a result of their decisions. There have also been occurrences of date rape drugs in people's drinks at the bars around campus. I for one was part of an investigation into claims that a student at DU assaulted and drugged 5 women on campus. Though this happening is abhorrent, DU's swift action and inquiry into the incident ended in the student's removal from the university.

    1. I really like hearing about situations in which DU responds promptly and takes significant action against people who are doing things like this. However, I think that it may be more beneficial to increase education at the beginning of college, both for men and woman, about issues like date rape drugs. A lot of women seem to feel that if they are at a college bar where they know most of the people around them then they will not be at risk for date rape. Unfortunately, these locations are often where women are most at risk. As we have learned, the majority of rape happens by someone the victim knows. I think that if women and men learned about how to be safer in situations where they are drinking then a lot of problems could be avoided.

  7. Hi Colleen! I totally agree that women are portrayed as inferior and the images you presented support this. You would never see a picture of a women pinning a man down or having that sort of control over a man because in society men have all of the control. The pictures you presented also show how this view has become internalized for women too, as most of us now believe that we should be controlled by men. Sexual assault is consequently and unfortunately more common for women and this is seen as acceptable, men are allowed to just grab women's boobs because they think they can...however they do get away with it! I think a lot of it comes down to maturity as boys/men need to grow up in most cases and stop trying to prove either that they're a tough guy or that they're heterosexual.

  8. I think that all of this miscommunication between rape and passion stems from the media. We see men taking advantage of women in a dominant way, mostly in ads. There should most definitely be consent between the two parties involved. I agree with you however, that people should be able to do whatever they please but there MUST be consent. DU has been sending out emails about women ingesting the date-rape drug around campus. This is so sad to me that our peers and friends think it is ok to give someone this drug. If the media expressed that men and women are equal and that consent is important I feel as though less rape would start to happen as well as more consent.

  9. Hey Colleen! Thanks for addressing this issue at the same time that lots of things are happening on the DU campus. My favorite part of you article was when you said "The problem comes in when the preferences of individuals are looked at as universal preferences of an entire group". I completely agree that this is the main problem of the issue. While sex in the media is portrayed as this hot, passionate interaction that is supposed to happen without words, i think there is another reason consent is used so infrequently. In our society sex is such a taboo topic that i think people are afraid to talk about it and uncomfortable talking about so most people would rather just get straight to the action! I think open communication needs to always be there.

  10. Thanks for this blog Colleen!! You brought up some great points, and it was really thought provoking. I think that consent will always be a grey area, and it means different things to each person and relationship. Because there are so many "random hookups" on a college campus you often don't spend a lot of time where actually talking about sex and consent, like the Shaw and Lee reading talks about, is seen as appropriate, it makes it problematic. I think our views on talking about sex, and what you like and are comfortable with should be easier to discuss and more accepted. I think there is also the issue of alcohol and date rape drugs on the college campus, there needs to be more awareness and education about this.
